First of all we are going to be using the tool scket to generate a general view of the figure that we want to create, making a picture in the plane of the idea that we have on mind.
It is necessary to take in consideration that once this passive joining has been printed, it will need an edge to move so both pieces can fit together. For this we will be using the tool offset that will create this edge as big as we want, for example I chose 1 milimeter.
When we reach the initial shape that we have on mind we can get to the next step.
3D FIGURES: At this point we are going to the next tool, which is create. For using this tool we have different options one of them is 'Extrude' which add depth to a planar face. In this case I used the simetric way because was the easiest way to create a 3D figure. Once this step has been done with both scket figures I create two circules so the final piece could be hold in a easier way.
It is important to choose the right way yo use the tool offset otherwise the pieces won´t fit properly. After printing my pieces I realise that 1 milimeter is a little too much I should have chosen half a milimeter which would allow the pieces to fit together withouht having a huge space between them.