First of all it is necessary a scanner the scannig process can be done. Once the scanner is prepared and the model is in postion the scanning can begin. It is important to know that the postion of the model is essencial. If the model is with the hand in a weird position the scanner will cath that form and it is imposible to fix it. Be careful!


Once the bodie has been scanned it is time for the meshmixer program to creect all the imperfections that could have been created while doing the scan. In this program the scanned figure can be modify using the tools sculpt and edit. Sculpt can help to make the figure smoother using the brush Robustsmooth.

If there is holes in the figure that can be repeared the tool edit has the option plane cut that can make help to split the body and delete the part with holes that is not needed.

Last part is using analysis to make sure that everything is okay with the figure then we can saved it and open 360 Fusion.


Once the figure it is corrected in 360 Fusion a rectangule is going to be scket to scale the figure. So the first thimng it is to mesure the real model and create the rectangule with exact same lenght. Then the scanned figure is going to be imported and a cilinder must be created around it. This cilinder will be modify using the tool modifiy to fit with the scanned figure structure.

Then the tool split body can be use to clean the eged of the new bodies created and to slpit the figure into two parts that will be saved as STL.